Refund & Return Policy
Cancellations or Changes
Please email us right away if you need to cancel or make a change to an order after it has been placed. If your order has not yet been processed we will do our best to accommodate you.
If your order has already been processed and shipped, we will not be able to make any changes until your order has been delivered. At that time we will work to resolve the issue.
We will accept return or exchange of full price items in new condition and original packaging up to 14 days after order delivery based on tracking details. All purchase of “sale” items are final.
To request return authorization we ask that you email a receipt or proof of purchase and reason for return to If your return is approved, you will be sent further information on how to send the item back.
Shipping charges are non-refundable. The customer is responsible for all return shipping charges. A refund will be issued upon receipt and inspection of the returned items. All refunds will be made in the original form of purchase. Please allow 4-6 weeks for the the refund to process.
Please contact us at with any further questions.Enter your email here
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